Miriam Vogel, Chair, National AI Advisory Committee

Miriam Vogel

Chair, National AI Advisory Committee

Miriam Vogel received her undergraduate degree from the University of Michigan and earned her Juris Doctor from Georgetown University Law Center. She was a federal clerk in Denver, Colorado. She entered the private practice of law.  

She has served in the administrations of both Presidents Obama and Biden. Before her current post, she was Acting Director of Justice and Regulatory Affairs at the White House and led the President’s Equal Pay Task Force. She served as Associate Deputy Attorney General, spearheading the department’s intellectual property efforts. 

Vogel teaches technology law and policy at Georgetown University Law Center, where she serves on the Responsible AI Institute. She has been president and CEO of Equal AI. As Chairman of the National AI Advisory Committee, she advises the president and White House on artificial intelligence policy. 

In the News…

An executive order signed by President Biden mandates federal government agencies to ensure AI promotes racial equity. The National AI Advisory Committee, a committee mandated by Congress, advises the President and the White House on artificial intelligence policy. 

Committee chair Miriam Vogel said, “We can ensure that AI creates more opportunity, more jobs, more education, more diversity. So I think that is the role of government and civil society, to mandate what the expectations are. If you’re using AI, here’s the ways you need to make sure that society is ready. I think government has to play that role in leading on how society can be ready.” 

She said artificial intelligence has the potential for social advancement, but government intervention through regulations, mandates, and collaboration will be required. 

Contact this Leader…

Did you pray for Chair Vogel today? You can let her know at:

The Honorable Miriam Vogel, Chair 
National AI Advisory Committee 
The White House 
1600 Pennsylvania Ave NW 
Washington, DC 20500 


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